Take Me As I Am
One of our most basic human desires is to be loved, and to be loved for who we really are.
Yet we live in a culture that still encourages stoicism in men, and discourages the free expression of real and often uncomfortable emotions. This ongoing series examines and critiques the complex internal dialogues that men, specifically straight men, navigate in the context of online dating platforms that often reinforce traditional gender roles and power dynamics.
Men are often encouraged to present themselves as powerful and dominant, while women are expected to be submissive and attractive. So, how are they navigating the complexities of gender, sexuality, and identity in their efforts to find a partner? Are they challenging societal norms and expectations, or are they abiding by the status quo?
Online dating presents a curious spectrum of prospects wanting to present themselves just as they are and who they want you to think they are; but it’s up to the viewer to decipher where they land on that spectrum.
In this series, I explore the personas of these prospects by accompanying each piece with an online dating profile that hypothesizes entire personalities and experiences based off of one image.
My intention is not to provide answers to the question of who they are, but to continue the discussion around who they could be.
This series laid the foundation for my future projects Tómame Como Soy, Vanity Affair and Autonomous. I continue to use it as a framework for exploring the concept of modern masculinity.